Hold Em Odds Calculator

The following Texas Holdem odds table highlights some common probabilities that you may encounter in Hold'em. It is not vital that you learn these probabilities, but it is useful to be aware of the chances of certain situations arising.

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Oct 02, 2013 Enter any situation in Texas Hold 'Em, and it will tell you the probability of each possible outcome. Poker Tournament Calculator My Poker Tournament Calculator will determine each player's probability, for up to nine players, of finishing in each place, and his expected share of any prize pool, assuming equal skill among all players. For example: To calculate your hand odds in a Texas Hold'em game when you hold two hearts and there are two hearts on the flop, your hand odds for making a flush are about 2 to 1. This means that for approximately every 3 times you play this hand, you can expect to hit your flush one of those times. Poker odds calculator for all the major poker games from PokerListings.com - Your online poker guide with extensive information on internet poker games in our poker room reviews, deep information on poker rules, all online poker tournaments and much much more. A poker odds calculator is a piece of poker software that lets you run any scenario that you might see at a poker table. You can fill in your own hand and calculate the chances of you winning.

Texas Hold'em odds chart.

SituationPercentage OddsRatio Odds
Preflop Probabilities:
Dealt AA.0.45%220 to 1
Dealt AK.1.2%82 to 1
Dealt AKs.0.3%331 to 1
Dealt 72o.0.9%109 to 1
Being dealt AA vs. KK (heads up).0.004%22,559 to 1
Dealt a pocket pair.6%16 to 1
Dealt suited connectors.4%24 to 1
Flop Probabilities:
Flopping a pair.32.4%2.2 to 1
Flopping a set (with pockets).11.8%7.5 to 1
Paired Board:
2 players, probability of trips.17%4.8 to 1
3 players, probability of trips.26%3 to 1
4 players, probability of trips.34%2 to 1
5 players, probability of trips.43%1.4 to 1

How to use Texas Hold'em odds.

The odds in this Texas Hold'em odds table are unlikely to directly help your overall strategy, but they are pretty interesting nonetheless. The Texas Hold'em odds for each of the different situations have been given in both percentage and ratio odds, so use whichever format you feel comfortable with.

Other poker odds charts.

For more useful odds charts that you can use for when you are working out whether or not to call when on a drawing hand, use the following tables:

Hold'em Odds Calculator

Both of these tables give the odds for completing your draw depending on how many outs you have. You can find out more on how to work out odds and all that mathematical stuff in the article on pot odds.

Go back to the poker odds charts.

Texas Hold'em Odds Calculator Program

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